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LG LG AS680 Optimus 2, LG AS695 Optimus plus, LG AS730 Optimus Select, LG AS855 Ignite, LG C1505 Xperia E, LG C660 Optimus Pro, LG C729 DoublePlay, LG C800 myTouch Q, LG D285 L Series III, LG D500 Optimus F6, LG D505 Optimus F6, LG D605 Optimus L9 II, LG D618 G2 Mini Dual, LG D620 G2 Mini LTE-A, LG D680 G Pro Lite, LG D685 G Pro Lite Dual, LG D686 G Pro Lite Dual, LG D800 G2, LG D801 G2, LG D802 G2, LG D803 G2, LG D805 G2, LG D806 G2 3G, LG D830 G Pro 2, LG D950 G Flex, LG D955 G Flex, LG D958 G Flex, LG D959 G Flex, LG E400 Optimus L3, LG E405 Optimus L3, LG E425f Optimus L3 II, LG E425g OPTIMUS L3II, LG E430 Optimus L3 II, LG E435 Optimus L3 II Dual, LG E440 Optimus L4 II, LG E445 Optimus L4 II Dual, LG E450f Optimus L5II, LG E450j Optimus L5 II, LG E455 Optimus L5 II Dual, LG E460 Optimus L5 II, LG E470f Optimus L4 II Tri, LG E510 Optimus Hub, LG E610 Optimus L5, LG E612 Optimus L5, LG E615 Optimus L5 Dual, LG E617G Galaxy Trend, LG E730 Optimus Sol, LG E739 T-Mobile myTouch, LG E970 Optimus G, LG E971 Optimus G, LG E973 Optimus G, LG E975 Optimus G, LG E976 Optimus G 4G, LG E977 Optimus G, LG E980 Optimus G2, LG E985T Optimus G Pro 5.5, LG E986 Optimus G PRO, LG E987 Optimus G, LG E988 Optimus G Pro 5.5, LG E989 Optimus G Pro 5.5, LG F100L Optimus Vu, LG F100S Optimus Vu, LG F120K Optimus LTE, LG F120L Optimus LTE Tag, LG F120S Optimus LTE, LG F160K Optimus LTE2, LG F160L Optimus LTE2, LG F160S Optimus LTE2, LG F180K Optimus G, LG F180L Optimus G, LG F180S Optimus G, LG F200K Optimus Vu II, LG F200S Optimus Vu II, LG F240K Optimus G Pro, LG F240L Optimus G Pro, LG F240S Optimus G Pro, LG F260S Optimus LTE III, LG F300K Optimus Vu 3, LG F300L Optimus Vu 3, LG F300S Optimus Vu 3, LG F310L Gx, LG F320K G2, LG F320L Optimus G2, LG F320S G2, LG F340S G Flex, LG F350K G Pro 2, LG F350L G Pro 2, LG F350S G Pro 2, LG IS11LG Optimus X, LG KS1301 G Flex, LG KU5400 Prada 3.0, LG L-01E Optimus G, LG L-01F G2, LG L-02E Optimus Life, LG L-04E Optimus G Pro, LG L-05D Optimus it, LG L-05E Optimus it, LG L38C Optimus Dynamic, LG L45C Optimus 2, LG L75C Optimus Zip, LG LG-P760 Optimus L9, LG LG-P935, LG LG730 Venice, LG LG855 Marquee, LG LG870 Optimus F7, LG LGL55C, LG LS685 Gelato, LG LS696 Optimus Elite, LG LS700 Gelato Q, LG LS720 Optimus F3, LG LS840 Viper 4G, LG LS855 Marquee, LG LS860 Cayenne 4G LTE, LG LS970 Eclipse 4G , LG LS980 Optimus G Pro, LG LS995 G Flex, LG LU6200 Optimus LTE, LG LU6500 Optimus Q2, LG LW770 Optimus Regard, LG MS659 Optimus F3, LG MS695 Optimus M+, LG MS769 Optimus L9, LG MS770 Motion 4G, LG MS840 Connect 4G, LG MS870 Spirit 4G, LG MS910 Bryce, LG Nexus 5 Nexus 5, LG P659 Optimus F3, LG P690 Optimus Net, LG P692 Optimus Net, LG P698f, LG P700 Optimus L7, LG P705 Optimus L7, LG P708g Optimus L7, LG P710 Optimus L7II, LG P712 Optimus L7II DUAL, LG P713 Optimus L7 II, LG P714 Optimus L7 II, LG P715 Optimus L7 II, LG P716 Optimus L7 II, LG P725 Optimus 3D Max, LG P765 Optimus L9, LG P768 Optimus L9, LG P769 Optimus L9, LG P778 Optimus L9, LG P870 Escape 4G, LG P875 Optimus F5, LG P880 Optimus 4X HD, LG P895 Optimus Vu, LG P930 Optimus LTE, LG P936 Optimus True HD LTE, LG P940 Prada 3.0, LG SU540 Prada 3.0, LG SU640 Optimus LTE, LG US730 Splendor, LG US780 Optimus F7, LG US855 Optimus Black, LG V500 G Pad 8.3, LG V507L G Pad 8.3 4G LTE, LG V900 Optimus Pad, LG VM696 Optimus Elite, LG VM701 Optimus Slider, LG VS410PP Optimus Zone, LG VS700 Enlighten, LG VS840 Lucid, LG VS870 Lucid 2, LG VS890 Enact, LG VS920 Spectrum 4G, LG VS930 Optimus LTE II, LG VS950 Intuition, LG VS980 G2
Mediacom Mediacom 700 Smart Pad 700 3G, Mediacom 711i Smart Pad, Mediacom 810c Smart Pad 810c, Mediacom 907C Smart Pad, Mediacom 910i Smart Pad
Medion Medion P9514 LifeTab, Medion P9516 Lifetab
Motorola Motorola ELECTRIFY, Motorola ISW11M PHOTON, Motorola MB525 DEFY, Motorola MB526 Defy+, Motorola MB632 Pro+, Motorola MB855 Photon 4G, Motorola MB865 Atrix 2, Motorola MB886 Atrix 3, Motorola ME865 Atrix 2, Motorola Moto XT681, Motorola MT788 MOTOLUXE XT, Motorola MZ505 Xoom Family Edition, Motorola MZ601 Xoom, Motorola MZ604 XOOM with Wi-Fi, Motorola MZ605 Xoom, Motorola MZ607 XOOM 2 Media Edition, Motorola MZ608 XOOM 2 Media Edition 3G, Motorola MZ609 DROID XYBOARD 8.2 32GB, Motorola MZ616 XOOM 2, Motorola MZ617 DROID XYBOARD 10.1, Motorola Xoom, Motorola XT1030 DROID MINI, Motorola XT1032 Moto G, Motorola XT1033 Moto G Dual, Motorola XT1049 Moto X, Motorola XT1052 Moto X, Motorola XT1053 X Phone, Motorola XT1055 Moto X, Motorola XT1056 Moto X, Motorola XT1058 XFON, Motorola XT1060 Moto X, Motorola XT1080 DROID ULTRA, Motorola XT311 Fire, Motorola XT316 Fire, Motorola XT317 Fire, Motorola XT320 Defy Mini, Motorola XT321 Defy Mini, Motorola XT389 MOTOSMART, Motorola XT390 MOTOSMART, Motorola XT530 Domino+, Motorola XT531 Fire XT, Motorola XT532, Motorola XT535 Defy XT, Motorola XT556 Defy XT, Motorola XT557 Defy XT, Motorola XT560, Motorola XT603 Admiral, Motorola XT605 Master, Motorola XT611 MOTOSMART Flip, Motorola XT615 MEDIAS, Motorola XT621 Ferrari Special Edition, Motorola XT626 DOUBLE V, Motorola XT627 Kairos, Motorola XT682 Atrix TV, Motorola XT685 Motoluxe, Motorola XT860 Milestone 3, Motorola XT862 DROID 3, Motorola XT875 Droid Bionic, Motorola XT881 ELECTRIFY 2, Motorola XT882 MOTO, Motorola XT885 RAZR V, Motorola XT886 RAZR V, Motorola XT890 RAZR i, Motorola XT894 DROID 4, Motorola XT897 Photon Q 4G LTE, Motorola XT901 ELECTRIFY M, Motorola XT902 RAZR M 201M, Motorola XT905 RAZR M, Motorola XT907 DROID RAZR M 4G LTE, Motorola XT910 Razr, Motorola XT912 DROID RAZR, Motorola XT914 RAZR D1, Motorola XT915 RAZR D1, Motorola XT919 RAZR D3, Motorola XT920 RAZR D3, Motorola XT923 Razr HD, Motorola XT925 RAZR HD, Motorola XT926 DROID RAZR HD, Motorola XT937C Moto G, Motorola XT939G Moto G
NEC NEC N-06C MEDIAS, NEC N-07D Medias X, NEC N850 Fury
Netbook Netbook MID-97D
NGM NGM Action, NGM Explorer, NGM Orion, NGM Polaris, NGM Quasar, NGM Wilco
Olivetti Olivetti Olipad 110
Onda Onda TQ150, Onda TT102 TIM My TAB+, Onda V811, Onda Vi40 Elite
Panasonic Panasonic P-02D LUMIX, Panasonic P-02E Eluga X, Panasonic P-03E Eluga P
Pandigital Pandigital Nova Media Tablet, Pandigital R70A200 Planet, Pandigital R70F400 Nova
Pantech Pantech ADR910L Star Q, Pantech IM-A760S Sky Vega Racer, Pantech IM-A770K Sky Vega Racer, Pantech IM-A780L Vega Racer, Pantech P4100 Element, Pantech P9060 Pocket, Pantech P9070 Burst
PCD PCD ADR8995 Pantech Breakout
Philips Philips W732
PocketBook PocketBook A7
Polaroid Polaroid PMID700 Tablet 7, Polaroid PTAB7200
Prestigio Prestigio PMP3384B MultiPad 3384, Prestigio PMP5080B MultiPad, Prestigio PMP5080C PRO MultiPad 5080
Quanta Computer Quanta Computer Kindle Fire
QuanZhi QuanZhi 97FC
RIM RIM BlackBerry PlayBook
Rockchip Rockchip DATAM803HC, Rockchip NXM726, Rockchip NXM726HN, Rockchip NXM803HC, Rockchip STM722HC, Rockchip STM803HC
Samsung Samsung C6943 Xperia Z1 LTE, Samsung D5316 Xperia T2 Ultra, Samsung EK-GC100 Galaxy Camera, Samsung EK-GC200 Galaxy Camera 2, Samsung Galaxy Y Duos GT-S6102, Samsung GT-B5330 Galaxy Chat, Samsung GT-B5510 Galaxy Y Pro, Samsung GT-B5512 Galaxy Y Pro Duos, Samsung GT-B7810, Samsung GT-B9120, Samsung GT-B9150 Galaxy Q, Samsung GT-I8150 Galaxy W, Samsung GT-I8160 Galaxy Ace 2, Samsung GT-I8160P Galaxy Ace 2, Samsung GT-I8190 Galaxy S III mini, Samsung GT-I8200 Galaxy S III Mini, Samsung GT-I8250 Galaxy, Samsung GT-I8260 Galaxy Core, Samsung GT-I8260L Galaxy Core, Samsung GT-I8262 Galaxy Core Duos, Samsung GT-I8262D, Samsung GT-I8530 Galaxy Beam, Samsung GT-I8550 Galaxy Win, Samsung GT-I8552 Galaxy Win Duos, Samsung GT-I8558 Galaxy Win, Samsung GT-I8580 Galaxy Core Advance, Samsung GT-I8730 Galaxy Express, Samsung GT-I8730T Galaxy Express, Samsung GT-I9001 Galaxy S Plus, Samsung GT-i9020 Nexus S, Samsung GT-I9060 Galaxy Grand Lite, Samsung GT-I9070 Galaxy S Advance, Samsung GT-I9070P Galaxy S Advance, Samsung GT-I9080L Galaxy Grand, Samsung GT-I9082 Galaxy Grand Duos, Samsung GT-I9100 Galaxy S II, Samsung GT-I9103 Galaxy Z, Samsung GT-I9105P Galaxy S II Plus, Samsung GT-I9108 Galaxy S II, Samsung GT-I9128 Galaxy Grand, Samsung GT-I9150 Galaxy S II Plus, Samsung GT-I9152 Galaxy Player 5.8, Samsung GT-I9152P Galaxy Mega 5.8 Plus Duos, Samsung GT-I9158 Galaxy Mega 5.8, Samsung GT-I9190 Galaxy S4 Mini, Samsung GT-I9192 Galaxy S4 Mini Duos, Samsung GT-I9195 Galaxy S4 Mini LTE, Samsung GT-I9200 Galaxy Mega 6.3, Samsung GT-I9205 Galaxy Mega 6.3, Samsung GT-I9210 Galaxy S II LTE EU, Samsung GT-I9220, Samsung GT-I9228 Galaxy Note, Samsung GT-I9230 Galaxy Golden, Samsung GT-i9250 Galaxy Nexus, Samsung GT-I9260 Galaxy Premier, Samsung GT-I9268 Galaxy Premier, Samsung GT-I9295 Galaxy S4 Active, Samsung GT-I9300 Galaxy S III, Samsung GT-I9305 Galaxy S III LTE EU, Samsung GT-I9308 Galaxy S3, Samsung GT-I9500 Galaxy S 4, Samsung GT-I9502 Galaxy S 4 Duos, Samsung GT-I9505 Galaxy S IV, Samsung GT-I9506 Galaxy S4 LTE-A, Samsung GT-I9507 Galaxy S4 TD-LTE, Samsung GT-I9507V Galaxy S4, Samsung GT-I9508 Galaxy S4 Duos, Samsung GT-N5100 Galaxy Note 8.0, Samsung GT-N5110 Galaxy Note 8.0, Samsung GT-N7000 Galaxy Note, Samsung GT-N7005 Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung GT-N7100 Galaxy Note II, Samsung GT-N7102 Galaxy Note II, Samsung GT-N7105 Galaxy Note II LTE, Samsung GT-N7108 Galaxy Note II, Samsung GT-N7108D Galaxy Note II, Samsung GT-N8000 Galaxy Note 10.1 64GB, Samsung GT-N8005 Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung GT-N8010 Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung GT-N8013 Galaxy Note 32GB (Wi-Fi) 10.1, Samsung GT-N8020 GALAXY Note 10.1 LTE, Samsung GT-N9005 GALAXY Note 3 LTE, Samsung GT-P3000 Galaxy Tab 8.9, Samsung GT-P3100 Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, Samsung GT-P3105 Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, Samsung GT-P3110 Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 WiFi 16GB, Samsung GT-P3113 Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wi-Fi), Samsung GT-P5100 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Samsung GT-P5110 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 WiFi, Samsung GT-P5113 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (Wi-Fi), Samsung GT-P5200 Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 3G, Samsung GT-P5210 Galaxy Tab 3 10.1, Samsung GT-P5220 Galaxy Tab 3 10.1, Samsung GT-P6200 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, Samsung GT-P6201 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus N, Samsung GT-P6210 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, Samsung GT-P6211 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus N , Samsung GT-P6800 Galaxy Tab 7.7, Samsung GT-P6810 Galaxy Tab 7.7 WiFi 16GB, Samsung GT-P7100 Galaxy Tab 10.1V, Samsung GT-P7300 Galaxy Tab 8.9, Samsung GT-P7310 Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wi-Fi , Samsung GT-P7320 Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE 16GB, Samsung GT-P7500 Galaxy Tab 10.1, Samsung GT-P7501 Galaxy Tab 10.1N, Samsung GT-P7510 Galaxy Tab 10.1, Samsung GT-P7511 Galaxy Tab 10.1N, Samsung GT-S5280 Galaxy Star, Samsung GT-S5282 Galaxy Star, Samsung GT-S5300 Galaxy Pocket, Samsung GT-S5301 Galaxy Pocket Plus, Samsung GT-S5302 Galaxy Pocket Duos, Samsung GT-S5303 Galaxy Y Plus, Samsung GT-S5310 Galaxy Pocket Neo, Samsung GT-S5312 Galaxy Pocket Neo Duos, Samsung GT-S5360 Galaxy Y, Samsung GT-S5363 Galaxy Y, Samsung GT-S5367 Galaxy Y TV, Samsung GT-S5368, Samsung GT-S5369 Galaxy Y, Samsung GT-S5690 Galaxy Xcover, Samsung GT-S5820, Samsung GT-S5839i Galaxy Ace, Samsung GT-S5839i Galaxy Ace VE, Samsung GT-S6012 Galaxy Music Duos, Samsung GT-S6108 Galaxy Y Pop, Samsung GT-S6310 Galaxy Young, Samsung GT-S6310T GALAXY Young, Samsung GT-S6312 Galaxy Young Duos, Samsung GT-S6313T Galaxy Young Duos TV, Samsung GT-S6358 Galaxy Ace, Samsung GT-S6500 Galaxy mini 2, Samsung GT-S6802 Galaxy Ace Duos, Samsung GT-S6802B Galaxy Ace Duos, Samsung GT-S6810L Galaxy Fame, Samsung GT-S6810M Galaxy Fame, Samsung GT-S6810P Galaxy Fame, Samsung GT-S6812 Galaxy Fame Duos, Samsung GT-S7260 Galaxy Star Pro, Samsung GT-S7262 Galaxy Star Pro Duos, Samsung GT-S7270 Galaxy Ace 3 3G, Samsung GT-S7272 Galaxy Ace 3 3G Duos, Samsung GT-S7273T Galaxy S II TV, Samsung GT-S7275R Galaxy Ace 3, Samsung GT-S7390 Galaxy Fresh, Samsung GT-S7500 Ace Plus, Samsung GT-S7560 GALAXY Trend, Samsung GT-S7562 Galaxy S Duos, Samsung GT-S7562L Galaxy S Duos, Samsung GT-S7572 Galaxy Trend Duos II, Samsung GT-S7580L Galaxy Trend Pro, Samsung GT-S7582 Galaxy S Duos 2, Samsung GT-S7710 Galaxy Xcover 2, Samsung GT-S7898 Galaxy Trend, Samsung IS11S Acro, Samsung ISW11SC Galaxy S II WiMAX, Samsung S5PV210, Samsung SC-01C GALAXY Tab, Samsung SC-01F Galaxy Note III, Samsung SC-02C Galaxy S II for NTT DoCoMo, Samsung SC-02F Galaxy J, Samsung SC-03D Galaxy S II LTE, Samsung SC-03E Galaxy S III Alpha, Samsung SC-04D Galaxy Nexus, Samsung SC-04E Galaxy S IV, Samsung SC-05D Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SC-06D Galaxy S III LTE, Samsung SCH-I110 Illusion, Samsung SCH-I200 Galaxy Stellar 4G, Samsung SCH-I405 Stratosphere 4G, Samsung SCH-I415 Stratosphere II, Samsung SCH-I435 Galaxy S4 Mini LTE, Samsung SCH-i509 I509, Samsung SCH-I535 Galaxy S3, Samsung SCH-I545 Galaxy S4, Samsung SCH-I589 Galaxy Ace Duos, Samsung SCH-I605 Galaxy Note II LTE, Samsung SCH-I659 Galaxy Ace Plus, Samsung SCH-I699 Galaxy Trend, Samsung SCH-I705 Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 4G, Samsung SCH-I739 Galaxy Trend II, Samsung SCH-I815 Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE, Samsung SCH-I879 Galaxy Grand, Samsung SCH-i889 Galaxy Note, Samsung SCH-I905 Verizon Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G, Samsung SCH-I915 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 4G, Samsung SCH-i919, Samsung SCH-I925 Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE, Samsung SCH-i929 Galaxy S II Duos, Samsung SCH-I939 Galaxy S III, Samsung SCH-I959 Galaxy S IV, Samsung SCH-L710 Galaxy S III, Samsung SCH-N719 Galaxy Note 2, Samsung SCH-P709 Galaxy Mega 5.8, Samsung SCH-P729 Galaxy Mega 6.3 Duos, Samsung SCH-R530C Galaxy S III, Samsung SCH-R530M Galaxy S III, Samsung SCH-R530U Galaxy S III, Samsung SCH-R530X Galaxy S III, Samsung SCH-R680 Repp, Samsung SCH-R720 Admire, Samsung SCH-R730 Transfix, Samsung SCH-R740C Galaxy Discover, Samsung SCH-R760 Galaxy S II, Samsung SCH-R820 Galaxy Admire 4G, Samsung SCH-R830 Galaxy Axiom, Samsung SCH-R890 Galaxy S 4 mini, Samsung SCH-R920 Galaxy Attain, Samsung SCH-R930 Galaxy S Aviator, Samsung SCH-R950 Galaxy Note II LTE, Samsung SCH-R960 Galaxy Mega, Samsung SCH-R970 Galaxy S IV, Samsung SCH-R970X Galaxy S4 LTE, Samsung SCH-S720C Galaxy Proclaim, Samsung SCH-S738C Galaxy Centura, Samsung SCH-S960L Galaxy S III, Samsung SCH-V727 Galaxy S4, Samsung SCH-W2013, Samsung SCH-W999, Samsung SCL22 Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SGH-I257 Galaxy S4 Mini, Samsung SGH-I257M Galaxy S4 Mini, Samsung SGH-I317 Galaxy Note II LTE, Samsung SGH-I337 Galaxy S IV, Samsung SGH-I337M Galaxy S4, Samsung SGH-I437 Galaxy Express, Samsung SGH-I467 Galaxy Note 8.0, Samsung SGH-I467M Galaxy Note 8.0 LTE, Samsung SGH-I497 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Samsung SGH-I527 Galaxy Mega 6.3, Samsung SGH-I535 Galaxy S III Verizon, Samsung SGH-I537 Galaxy S 4 Active, Samsung SGH-I547, Samsung SGH-I577 Exhilarate, Samsung SGH-I717 Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SGH-I717D Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SGH-I717M Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SGH-I717R Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SGH-I727 Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Samsung SGH-I727R Galaxy S II LTE, Samsung SGH-I747 Galaxy S III, Samsung SGH-I747M Galaxy S III, Samsung SGH-I757M Galaxy S II Skyrocket HD LTE, Samsung SGH-I777 Galaxy S II, Samsung SGH-I827 Galaxy Appea, Samsung SGH-I847 Rugby, Samsung SGH-I927 Captivate Glide, Samsung SGH-I957 Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE, Samsung SGH-I957M Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE, Samsung SGH-I957R Galaxy Tab 8.9, Samsung SGH-M819N Galaxy Mega 6.3 LTE, Samsung SGH-M919 Galaxy S4, Samsung SGH-N015 Galaxy Note II, Samsung SGH-N025 Galaxy Note II, Samsung SGH-S730G Galaxy Discover, Samsung SGH-S730M Galaxy Discover, Samsung SGH-S959G Galaxy S II, Samsung SGH-T399 Galaxy Light, Samsung SGH-T599 Galaxy Exhibit, Samsung SGH-T679 Exhibit II 4G, Samsung SGH-T699 Galaxy S Relay 4G, Samsung SGH-T759 Exhibit 4G, Samsung SGH-T769 Galaxy S Blaze 4G, Samsung SGH-T779 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 4G, Samsung SGH-T859 Galaxy Tab 10.1, Samsung SGH-T869 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus 4G, Samsung SGH-T879 Galaxy Note, Samsung SGH-T889 Galaxy Note 2, Samsung SGH-T989 Galaxy S II, Samsung SGH-T999 Galaxy S III, Samsung SGH-T999L Galaxy S III, Samsung SGH-U468 Galaxy S4, Samsung SHV-250K Galaxy Note II LTE, Samsung SHV-E110S Galaxy S II LTE, Samsung SHV-E120L, Samsung SHV-E150S Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE M16, Samsung SHV-E160K Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SHV-E160L Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SHV-E160S Galaxy Note LTE, Samsung SHV-E170K Galaxy R Style, Samsung SHV-E170S Galaxy R Style, Samsung SHV-E210K Galaxy S III LTE, Samsung SHV-E220S Galaxy Pop, Samsung SHV-E230K Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE 32GB, Samsung SHV-E230L Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE 32GB, Samsung SHV-E230S Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE 32GB, Samsung SHV-E250K Galaxy Note II LTE 64GB, Samsung SHV-E250L Galaxy Note II LTE 64GB, Samsung SHV-E250S Galaxy Note II LTE, Samsung SHV-E270K Galaxy Grand, Samsung SHV-E300K Galaxy S IV, Samsung SHV-E300L Galaxy S4 LTE, Samsung SHV-E300S Galaxy S IV, Samsung SHV-E310L Galaxy Mega 6.3 LTE, Samsung SHV-E330K Galaxy S4 LTE-A, Samsung SHV-E330L Galaxy S4 LTE-A, Samsung SHV-E330S Galaxy S4 LTE-A, Samsung SHV-E370K Galaxy S4 Mini, Samsung SHW-250S Galaxy S II, Samsung SHW-E250S Galaxy Note II, Samsung SHW-M180K Galaxy Tab, Samsung SHW-M220L GALAXY Neo, Samsung SHW-M250K Galaxy S II, Samsung SHW-M250L Galaxy S II, Samsung SHW-M250S Galaxy S II, Samsung SHW-M290K Galaxy Gio, Samsung SHW-M340K GALAXY M Style, Samsung SHW-M340L GALAXY M Style, Samsung SHW-M340S GALAXY M Style, Samsung SHW-M380S Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G 32GB, Samsung SHW-M380W Galaxy Tab 10.1, Samsung SHW-M420S Galaxy Nexus, Samsung SHW-M440S Galaxy S 3, Samsung SHW-M480K Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung SHW-M480S Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung SHW-M480W Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung SM-C101 Galaxy S4 Zoom, Samsung SM-C105A Galaxy S4 Zoom LTE, Samsung SM-G3518 Galaxy Core, Samsung SM-G3815 Galaxy Express II, Samsung SM-G386F Galaxy Core LTE, Samsung SM-G7102 Galaxy Grand 2 Duos, Samsung SM-G7105 Galaxy Grand 2, Samsung SM-G7106 Galaxy Grand 2 Duos, Samsung SM-G710S Galaxy Grand 2, Samsung SM-G730A Galaxy S III Mini, Samsung SM-G730V Galaxy S III Mini, Samsung SM-G900A Galaxy S5, Samsung SM-G900M Galaxy S5, Samsung SM-G900T Galaxy S5, Samsung SM-G900V Galaxy S5, Samsung SM-N750 Galaxy Note 3 Neo, Samsung SM-N7502 Galaxy Note 3 Neo Duos, Samsung SM-N7505 Galaxy Note 3 Neo LTE+, Samsung SM-N750K Galaxy Note 3 Neo, Samsung SM-N900 Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SM-N9000Q Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SM-N9002 Galaxy Note3 Duos, Samsung SM-N9005 Galaxy Note 3 LTE, Samsung SM-N9006 Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SM-N9008 Galaxy Note 3 TD, Samsung SM-N9008V Galaxy Note 3 TD-LTE, Samsung SM-N9009 Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SM-N900A Galaxy Note 3 LTE, Samsung SM-N900K Galaxy Note 3 LTE-A, Samsung SM-N900L Galaxy Note 3 LTE-A, Samsung SM-N900P Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SM-N900R4 Galaxy Note 3 LTE, Samsung SM-N900S Galaxy Note 3 LTE-A, Samsung SM-N900T Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SM-N900V Galaxy Note 3, Samsung SM-P600 Galaxy Note 10.1 2014, Samsung SM-P601 Galaxy Note 10.1 2014, Samsung SM-P605 Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 LTE, Samsung SM-P605L Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung SM-P605M Galaxy Note 10.1 2014, Samsung SM-P605S Galaxy Note 10.1 2014, Samsung SM-P605V Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung SM-P900 Galaxy NotePRO 12.2, Samsung SM-P901 Galaxy NotePRO 12.2, Samsung SM-P905 Galaxy Note 12.2, Samsung SM-P905V Galaxy NotePRO 12.2, Samsung SM-T110 Galaxy Tab3 Lite 7.0, Samsung SM-T111 Galaxy Tab3 Lite 7.0, Samsung SM-T210 Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 4G LTE, Samsung SM-T2105 Galaxy Tab 3 Kids, Samsung SM-T211 Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 3G, Samsung SM-T215 Galaxy Tab 3 7.0, Samsung SM-T217A Galaxy Tab 3 7.0, Samsung SM-T217S Galaxy Tab 3 7.0, Samsung SM-T217T Galaxy Tab 3 7.0, Samsung SM-T310 Galaxy Tab 3 8.0, Samsung SM-T311 Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 , Samsung SM-T315 Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 LTE, Samsung SM-T325 Galaxy TabPRO 8.4, Samsung SM-T520 Galaxy TabPRO 10.1, Samsung SM-T525 Galaxy TabPRO 10.1, Samsung SM-T900 Galaxy TabPRO 12.2, Samsung SPH-D600 Conquer 4G, Samsung SPH-D710 Galaxy S2 Epic Touch 4G, Samsung SPH-L300, Samsung SPH-L520 Galaxy S4 Mini TD-LTE, Samsung SPH-L600 Galaxy Mega 6.3 LTE, Samsung SPH-L710 Galaxy S III, Samsung SPH-L720 Galaxy S4, Samsung SPH-L720T Galaxy S4 TD-LTE, Samsung SPH-L900 Galaxy Note II, Samsung SPH-M820 Galaxy Prevail, Samsung SPH-M830 Galaxy Rush, Samsung SPH-M840 Galaxy Ring, Samsung SPH-M930 Transform Ultra, Samsung SPH-M950 Galaxy Reverb, Samsung SPH-P500 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 4G, Samsung SPH-P600 Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE, Samsung T320e One V, Samsung YP-G1 Galaxy S WiFi 4.0, Samsung YP-G70 Galaxy S WiFi 5.0
Sharp Sharp IS17SH Aquos Phone CL, Sharp SH-04E Aquos Phone EX, Sharp SH-05E Junior, Sharp SH-06D Aquos, Sharp SH-06E Aquos Phone Zeta, Sharp SH-07D Aquos Phone st, Sharp SH-09D Aquos Phone Zeta, Sharp SH-10D Aquos Phone sv, Sharp SH-12C Aquos, Sharp SH-13C AQUOS, Sharp SH530U, Sharp SH837W
Simvalley Simvalley SPX-5 3G
Skytex Skytex SKYPAD Alpha2, Skytex SX-SP700A
Sony Sony S1 Tablet S, Sony Tablet P
SonyEricsson SonyEricsson C1504 Xperia E, SonyEricsson C1604 Xperia E dual, SonyEricsson C1605 Xperia E dual, SonyEricsson C1904 Xperia M, SonyEricsson C1905 Xperia M, SonyEricsson C2004 Xperia M Dual, SonyEricsson C2104 Xperia L, SonyEricsson C2105 Xperia L, SonyEricsson C2305 Xperia C, SonyEricsson C5302 Xperia SP, SonyEricsson C5306 Xperia SP, SonyEricsson C5502 Xperia ZR, SonyEricsson C5503 Xperia ZR LTE M36i, SonyEricsson C6502 Xperia, SonyEricsson C6503 Xperia, SonyEricsson C6506 Xperia, SonyEricsson C6602 Xperia Z, SonyEricsson C6603 Xperia, SonyEricsson C6616 Xperia Z, SonyEricsson C6802 Xperia Z Ultra, SonyEricsson C6806 Xperia Z Ultra, SonyEricsson C6833 Xperia Z Ultra, SonyEricsson C6843 Xperia Z Ultra LTE, SonyEricsson C6902 Xperia Z1, SonyEricsson C6903 Xperia i1, SonyEricsson C6906 Xperia Z1 LTE, SonyEricsson C6916 Xperia Z1, SonyEricsson D2004 Xperia E1, SonyEricsson D2104 Xperia E1 dual, SonyEricsson D2302 Xperia M2 dual, SonyEricsson D2303 Xperia M2, SonyEricsson D2305 Xperia M2, SonyEricsson D5303 Xperia T2 Ultra, SonyEricsson D5306 Xperia T2 Ultra, SonyEricsson D5503 Xperia Z1 Compact, SonyEricsson D6503 Xperia Z2, SonyEricsson GT-S6010 Galaxy Music, SonyEricsson IS12S Xperia acro HD, SonyEricsson L36a Xperia Z, SonyEricsson L36h Xperia Z, SonyEricsson LT15a Xperia arc, SonyEricsson LT15i Xperia Arc, SonyEricsson LT18i Xperia arc S, SonyEricsson LT22i Xperia P, SonyEricsson LT26i Xperia S, SonyEricsson LT26ii Xperia SL, SonyEricsson LT26w Xperia Acro S, SonyEricsson LT28at Xperia Ion, SonyEricsson LT28h Xperia Ion HSPA, SonyEricsson LT28i Xperia Ion, SonyEricsson LT29i Xperia GX, SonyEricsson LT30at Xperia Mint, SonyEricsson LT30p Xperia Z, SonyEricsson M35i Xperia SP, SonyEricsson MK16i Xperia Pro, SonyEricsson MT11a Xperia neo V, SonyEricsson MT11i Xperia neo V, SonyEricsson MT15a Xperia Neo, SonyEricsson MT15i Xperia Neo, SonyEricsson MT25i Xperia Neo L, SonyEricsson MT27i, SonyEricsson MT28 Xperia SX, SonyEricsson R800i Xperia PLAY, SonyEricsson R800iv Xperia PLAY, SonyEricsson R800x Xperia PLAY, SonyEricsson SGP321 Xperia Tablet Z LTE, SonyEricsson SGP512 Xperia Z2 Tablet, SonyEricsson SGP521 Xperia Z2 Tablet, SonyEricsson SK17i Xperia mini pro, SonyEricsson SO-01C Xpria arc, SonyEricsson SO-01D Xperia Play, SonyEricsson SO-01E Xperia AX, SonyEricsson SO-01F Xperia Z1, SonyEricsson SO-02C Xperia acro, SonyEricsson SO-02D Xperia NX, SonyEricsson SO-02E Xperia Z, SonyEricsson SO-02F Xperia Z1 f, SonyEricsson SO-03C Xperia ray, SonyEricsson SO-03D Xperia acro HD, SonyEricsson SO-03E Xperia Tablet Z, SonyEricsson SO-04E Xperia A, SonyEricsson SOL21 Xperia VL, SonyEricsson SOL23 Xperia Z1, SonyEricsson SonyLT25i Xperia V, SonyEricsson SonySO-04D Xperia GX, SonyEricsson SonySO-05D Xperia SX, SonyEricsson SonySOL22 Xperia UL, SonyEricsson SonyST23a Xperia Mino, SonyEricsson ST15i Xperia mini, SonyEricsson ST17a Xperia active, SonyEricsson ST17i Xperia active, SonyEricsson ST18a Xperia ray, SonyEricsson ST18i Xperia ray, SonyEricsson ST21 Xperia Tipo, SonyEricsson ST21a Xperia Tipo, SonyEricsson ST21i Xperia Tipo, SonyEricsson ST21i2 Xperia Tipo Dual, SonyEricsson ST23i Xperia Mino, SonyEricsson ST25a Xperia U, SonyEricsson ST25i Xperia U, SonyEricsson ST26a Xperia J, SonyEricsson ST26i Xperia J, SonyEricsson ST27a Xperia go, SonyEricsson ST27i Xperia go, SonyEricsson WT19a Walkman, SonyEricsson WT19i Xperia Live con Walkman
Storage Options Storage Options Scroll Excel, Storage Options Scroll Extreme
TCL TCL V860 Vodafone Smart II
Teclast Teclast P76TI
Toshiba Toshiba AT100 Thrive, Toshiba AT200 Excite X10, Toshiba AT300 Excite 10 T
Urbetter Urbetter UTV210
Velocity Micro Velocity Micro T408 Cruz, Velocity Micro T410
Vizio Vizio VTAB1008 Vizio Via Tablet
Vodafone Vodafone Smart Tab 10
X10 X10 AirPad
Yuandao Yuandao N90
Zixoon Zixoon v78
ZTE ZTE D930 Chorus, ZTE N760, ZTE N762, ZTE N860, ZTE N861 Warp Sequent, ZTE N910, ZTE N9100 Force, ZTE N9101 Imperial, ZTE N9120 Avid 4G, ZTE N9510 Boost Warp, ZTE N9511 Source, ZTE N9810 Vital, ZTE Orange Monte Carlo, ZTE R83, ZTE R880H, ZTE Skate, ZTE U956, ZTE V72C Optik 2, ZTE V768, ZTE V790, ZTE V795, ZTE V856 Movistar One, ZTE V889D, ZTE V889F Blade III Pro, ZTE Venture, ZTE X500 Score, ZTE X501 Goove, ZTE Z740 Radiant, ZTE Z750C Savvy, ZTE Z796C Majesty, ZTE Z990, ZTE Z992 Avail, ZTE Z998 Mustang